Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Next Entourage? – How to Make It in America

After 8 glorious seasons, it’s finally over. With the exception of a movie in the works, Vinny, E, Drama and Turtle have swiped that black card one last time and booked a flight out of our Sunday line-up. So the question is: what now?
I think I may have the answer.
Entering its second season, the HBO show “How to Make It in America” outlines the life of two twentysomething entrepreneurs as they try to hustle their way through the highly competitive New York City fashion industry. The main characters, Ben Epstein [Bryan Greenberg] and his right-hand man Cam Calderon, played by Victor Rasuk, use their knowledge and street-cred to work their way to the top. Hip-Hop artist Kid Cudi also has a supporting role as Domingo.
Now I know what you’re thinking—a show about fashion, really? But don’t let that scare you away. From the ex-girlfriend who becomes progressively hotter, to the ex-con cousin who appears to be going legit, this show serves up a full dose of all the New York street-swag you’ll need to feed the appetite left over from Entourage.
Vinny and the boys showed us how to live it big, but Ben and Cam will teach us ‘How to Make It’ big.
The new season kicks-off October 2, at 9:30 [central].

Final Fraze
Did I mention Mark Wahlberg is a co-producer? #Enjoy.


    LOVE how to make it in America!

  2. Can't wait for it to start-- get ready for a new era! Thanks for the comment bro.

  3. if i can come over every week to watch it i'm down. #duh

    im so nervous for whats gonna happen!
    show is just like entourage at the beginning and i love it!
