Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Things Longer Than Kim Kardashian's Marriage

The 72-day hike that was the Humphries-Kardashian marriage came to an end on Monday, confirming to the world that Kim Kardashian's love life is still very much the "butt" of every joke-- #PunIntended.

In response to this short-lived lifetime commitment, the twitter world lashed out with the trending hashtag -- #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage -- this should be fun.

So here goes, #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage...

The Ray-Jay sex tape.

Rebecca Black's career.

The NBA lockout.

LeBron's hairline.

Mini-Me's height chart.

An episode of Chloe & Lamar.

HBO commercial breaks.

A Halloween costume's shelf-life.

Lindsey Lohan's coke lines.

A virgin's first time.

Devin Hester's vocabulary.

That'll do...

Now I hate to be insensitive during Kim's time of hardship, but considering the massive publicity stunt that was "Kim's Fairytale Wedding," which only led to her Guinness Book worthy, short courtship with Chris Humphries, I really can't let this one go. Speaking of the unemployed athlete, what the H-E-double hockey sticks was he thinking? Everyone knows if you're going to bang a Kardashian, you're at LEAST supposed to get a championship out of it-- just ask Reggie Bush and Lamar Odom.

Final Fraze
If Chris Humphries couldn't stick it out long enough to get a ring, there must be really something wrong with the amature porn star-- or is it reality TV? Let's go with the porn. Either way, I'm sure Kim Kardashian is already well on her way to her next engagement, I'm thinking TO or Chad OchoCinco--- they've already got their own shows. #MyPrediction

Let's have some fun with this. Toss up some of your own posts with the hashtag: #ThingsLongerThanKimsMarriage


  1. haha great stuff, but you forgot to add Tim Tebow's throwing motion. #Thingslongerthankimsmarriage

  2. Hahaha absolutely hilarious. Well done friend.

  3. Man Kris Humphries is a clown, but Kim and that whole family just sucks! and you heard it here, Kourtney is the hottest one!
